Windows Server MCQ Questions and Answers

Q #21. Which of the following is not a type of Virtual Switch –

a) External Switch.
b) Internal Switch.
c) Public Switch.
d) Private Switch.

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(c) Public Switch.

Q #22. Which of the following features of Migration –

a) Its Moves the data from the old system to a new system.
b) It’s your system is going to a higher version.
c) It does not required reinstallation of application.
d) It’s very first process.

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(a) It moves the data from the old system to a new system.

Q #23. What is Microsoft Intune –

a) It is an offline Microsoft tool.
b) It is an ISP management tool.
c) It is a browser management tool.
d) It is a Cloud-based management tool.

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(d) It is a Cloud-based management tool.

Q #24. What is stand for LLMNR –

a) Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution.
b) Lock Local Multimedia Name Resolution.
c) Link-Local Multiple Name Resolution.
d) Link Logic Multiple Number Resolution.

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(a) Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution.

Q #25. What is LLMNR –

a) It is File Upload service.
b) It is a Sending Mail Services
c) It is a Name Resolution Service.
d) It is a Web Service.

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(c) It is a Name Resolution Service.

Q #26. What is Windows Defender –

a) It is a Security features.
b) It is a built-in Malware Protection.
c) It is a Cloud Service.
d) It is a Windows OS security.

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(b) It is a built-in Malware Protection.

Q #27. What is the command we used to access Disk Management Console in Windows 10 OS –

a) Dskmgmt.msc
b) Dkmagmt.msc
c) Diskmmt.msc
d) Diskmgmt.msc

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(d) Diskmgmt.msc

Q #28. What is Microsoft Edge –

a) It is a Security features.
b) It is a Web browser.
c) It is a Cloud storage.
d) It is a new version of Microsoft.

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(b) It is a Web browser.

Q #29. _____ provides endpoint software application that runs on the endpoint devices to block –

a) BitLocker.
b) PGP.
c) Websense.
d) None of these.

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(c) Websense.

Q #30. Bit-Locker supports AES _____ encryption –

a) 210 and 290 bit.
b) 146 and 220 bit.
c) 198 and 255 bit.
d) 128 and 256 bit.

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(d) 128 and 256 bit.

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