ip & mac address

IP and MAC Address.

IP and MAC Address: – Types, Classification & Range, Subnet Mast, Subnetting.

Definition of Network:

Collection on device connected with each other through some media (wired/ wireless) for data communication purpose is called as Network.

Types of Network Address:

There are 2 types of address –

  1. Physical Address
  2. Logical Address
Types of address - Physical address and Logical Address.

Physical Address:

A Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to a NIC for use as a Network Segment.

Characteristics: –
• This is also called as MAC address, burned-in-address, Ethernet Hardware address.
• This is a Permanent address.
• This is hard-coated on NIC at the time of manufacturing.
• MAC address consists of 48 Bits.
• MAC address consists 12 Hexadecimal digits.
• It consists are 2 parts –
24 its – Manufacturers ID given by IEEE.
24 Bits – Serial no. of NIC given by manufacturer.
• MAC address is used in the media access control protocol sublayer of the data link layer of OSI model.

MAC Address Classification based on Operational Characteristics:

• Unicast MAC address:

A Unicast MAC address is a unique address which is used for one-to-one communication.

• Multicast MAC address:

A Multicast MAC address is used for one-to-many communication.

• Broadcast MAC address:

A Broadcast MAC address is used for one-to-all communications.

Logical Address:

An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is numerical address which is assign to each device connected to a computer network that is used to the Internet Protocol (IP) for communication.

Characteristics: –
• IP is a logical address used to identify any device in a network.
• It has 2 versions – Ipv4 & IPv6.
• IPv4 has 32 Bits and IPv6 has 128 Bits.
• IANA has managed IPv4 address.
• ICANN has managed IPv6 address.
• Every IPv4 address of consists of 4 Octet.
• Every IPv4 address is denote by 4 decimal number separate by .(dot).

IP address Classification based on Operational Characteristics:

• Unicast IP Address:

A Unicast IP Address is used for one-to-one communication. It is available in both IPv4 and IPv6 address.

• Broadcast IP Address:

A Broadcast IP Address is used for one-to-all communication. It is available in Ipv4 address. The address is used for Broadcast IP Address.

• Multicast IP Address:

A Multicast IP Address is used for one-to-many communication. It is available in both Ipv4 & IPv6 address. In IPv4, to (Class D) address are used for Multicast IP Address.

• Anycast IP Address:

An Anycast IP Address is used for one-to-many communication. It is available for Ipv6 address.

Version of Ip Address:

There are 2 types of version of IP address –


Characteristics: –
• It is 32 Bits address.
• 32 Bits are divided into 4 equal parts, each part is having 8 bits called as Octet.
• Here, Octet are separate by .(dot).
• Ipv4 address written in decimal format.
• It uses subnet mask to determine network and host bits or it is supported VLSM.
• It is divided in to 5 different classes.
• IPv4 supported broadcast address.
• It used ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) to map to MAC address.

Classification of IPv4 address:

IANA has divided IPv4 address into 5 classes on the basis of first Octet value –

Classification of IPv4.


Characteristics: –
• It is a 128 Bits address.
• 128 Bits are divided into 8 group, each group is having 16 bits called as Block.
• Here, Blocks are separated by : (Colon).
• Ipv6 is written in Hexadecimal format.
• It is uses prefix to determine network and host bits.
• It is no classification.
• It doesn’t support Broadcast address.
• Example – 2000:0db7:7h77:0000:0000:7aef:0370:7378

IP Address Assignment:

Ip address can be assigned in 2 ways –

• Static IP Address:

Static IP address assigned by the administrator manually. It is fixed unless administrator not change.

• Dynamic IP Address:

Dynamic IP address assigned by the DHCP server automatically.

Types of IP Address:

There are 2 types of IP address –

Private IP Address:

Characteristics: –
• It is assigned by the administrator in LAN.
• It is non-registered IP.
• It is no need to purchased.
• It is non-routable IP address.
• It is used in LAN.
• It is located using ipconfig command in CMD.

Range of Private IP address:
Range of Private IP address.

Public IP Address:

Characteristics: –
• It is assigned by ISP.
• It is registered IP.
• It is need to purchase in TSP.
• It is routable IP.
• It is used in WAN.
• Public IP address is located on search engine like google.

Range of Public IP Address:
Range of Public IP Address.

Division of IP Address:

IP address are divided into 2 portion –

i) Network ID: – The Network portion is controlled by IANA.
ii) Host ID: – The Host portion is accessible to the users.

Subnet Mask:

Subnet Mask is a 32-bit number used by the system to identify how many bits are in a network and how many bits are in host for a give IP address.

In Networking there are 3 default Subnet Mask –

Default Subnet Mask.


The process of dividing a large network into smaller numbers of networking is called as Subnetting.
Every small network is called a Subnet.
Every Subnet is a unique network having Network ID, Broadcast ID, Host ID.

Types of Subnetting:

There are 2 types of Subnetting –


The process of subnetting through we get subnets as all equal length is called as FLSM (Fixed Length Subnet Mask).


The process of Subnetting through which we can get required no. hosts per subnet is called a VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Mask).


Q. What is Network?
Ans: –
Collection on devices connected with each other through some media (wired/ wireless) for data communication purposes is called a Network.

Q. What is Networking?
Ans: –
Logically enabling the devices to communicate with each other is called as Networking.

Q. What is Protocol?
Ans: –
Protocols are the rules and regulations which govern communication. Another word, Protocol are the pre-define agreement between communicating party for successful communication.

Q. What is MAC Address or Physical Address?
Ans: –
A Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a unique address that identifies any devices.

Q. What is IP Address or Logical Address?
Ans: –
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is the numerical address which identifies any device in a network.

Q. Different between IP address & MAC address?
Ans: –

Different between IP address and MAC Address.

Q. What is APIPA?
Ans: –
Its stands for Automatic Private IP Addressing.
It is a feature of the Windows operating system that help to take IP automatically when the DHCP server is either permanently or temporarily unavailable.
Range – to

Q. What is and Local Host?
Ans: –
Local Host is the standard hostname given to the machine and it is represented by the IP address Therefore, we can say that and Localhost are something.

Q. What is Loopback Address?
Ans: –
A Loopback Address is a type of IP address that is used to check the communication on the network application. Its range – to

Q. What is Host?
Ans: –
Any node having IP address is called a Host.

Q. What is Host Name?
Ans: –
The name of any Node/ Device is called as Host Name.

Q. What is Node?
Ans: –
Any device in a network is called as Node.

Q. Different between IPv4 & IPv6?
Ans: –

Different between IPv4 & IPv6?

Q. What is NID or Network ID or Subnet No.?
Ans: –
NID is used to identify the network when the Host below.
All Host belongs to the same network must have same NID.
It is the lowest IP of any network.

Q. What is BID or Broadcast ID?
Ans: –
Broadcast ID is used to send a common message to all Host belongs to the same network.
All Host belongs to the same network must have same BID.
It is the highest IP of any network.

Q. What is IEEE?
Ans: –
IEEE stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. It headquarters in New York in United States of America (USA). It is the world largest technical professional organization and it dedicate to advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity.

Q. What is ICANN?
Ans: –
It stands for Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number. It is American nonprofit organization and its main role is to keep the Internet Stable, Secure and Interconnected.

Q. What is IANA?
Ans: –
It stands for Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. It is a American standard organization and its maintaining Domain Name Service, Number Resources and Protocol Parameters.

Q. What is ISP?
Abs: –
It stands for Internet Service Provider. It is an organization that provides service for accessing, using and participating in the internet.

Q. What is Static IP?
Ans: –
Static IP address assigned by the administrator manually. It is fixed unless the administrator not change.

• It is a time-consuming process.
• It is typing mistake.
• May cause IP conflict.

Q. What is Dynamic IP?
Ans: –
Dynamic IP address assigned by the DHCP server automatically.

Q. What is DHCP?
Ans: –

• It stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
• It is an Application layer protocol.
• It uses port no. 67 (Server) & 68 (Client).
• It is a UDP based service.
• It provides IP address to the client computer automatically.

Q. What is DHCP Server?
Ans: –
DHCP Server is a physical computer that provides IP address to the client computer automatically.

Q. What is DHCP Scope?
Ans: –
DHCP Scope is the range of valid host address from where DHCP provides IP address to the client computer.

Q. What is DNS?
Ans: –
• It stands for Domain Name Service.
• It is an Application layer protocol.
• It uses port no. 53.
• It provides a name resolution service.
• It is used both TCP/ UDP services.
• It resolved hostname to IP address and IP address to FQDN.

Q. What is Subnet Mask?
Ans: –
Subnet Mask is a 32-bit number used by the system to identify how many bits are in a network and how many bits are in host for a given IP address.

Q. What are the default Subnet Mask?
Ans: –
There are 3 Default Subnet Mask –

• Class A: – Network . Host . Host . Host (
• Class B: – Network . Network . Host . Host (
• Class C: – Network . Network . Network . Host (

Q. What is Subnetting?
Ans: –
The process of dividing a large network into a smaller numbers of networking is called as Subnetting. Every small network is called a Subnet.

Q. What are the type of Subnetting?
Ans: –
There are 2 types of Subnetting –
1) FLSM (Fixed Length Subnet Mask).
2) VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Mask).

Q. What is FLSM?
Ans: –
The process of Subnetting through we get subnet of equal length is called as FLSM.

Q. What is VLSM?
Ans: –
The process of Subnetting through which we can get required no. of hosts per subnet is called as VLSM.

Q. What is Default Gateway?
Ans: –
The exit point of any network is called as Default Gateway.

Characteristics: –
• It is a valid host address.
•It is must be a valid host from the same LAN.
• Without Default Gateway a machine cannot access internet.
• Device belongs to the same network no need any default Gateway for communication.

Q. What is PING?
Ans: –
PING stands for Packet Internet Groper. It works on Internet Control Massage Protocol (ICMP) used to check network connectivity.

Q. What is ICMP?
Ans: –
It stands for Internet Control Massage Protocol. It is uses the Packet Internet Groper (PING) to test network layer connectivity.

Q. What are the type of IPv4 address?
Ans: –
It is 3 type –
• Unicast Address (one-to-one communication).
• Multicast Address (one-to-many communication).
• Broadcast Address (one-to-all communication).

Q. What are types of IPv6 address?
Ans: –
It is 3type –
• Unicast Address (one-to-one communication).
• Multicast Address (one-to-many communication).
• Anycast Address (one-to-many communication).

Q. What is Path? What are the types of Path?
Ans: –
To locate any resource is called as path.
It is 3 type –

  1. Local Path: –
    It is used to locate any resource within the computer.
    Ex – (c:Programme Filesgoogle)
  2. UNC Path: –
    It stands for Universal Naming Convention. It is used to locate any resource within the LAN.
    Ex – (“IP address of source device host name of a device”)
  3. URL Path: –
    It stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is used to locate any resource in WAN.
    Ex – (http://<IP Address>).

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