cisco router, ports, function

cisco router, ports, function.

CCNA Routing – Types of Ports in Router

The process of transferring the data packet from a source to the destination is called as Routing.

Router is used to connect two or more different networks and different geographical location.

Characteristics: –
• It is a Network layer device of ISO/OSI model.
• It is an inter-networking device.
• It is used IP address.
• It is maintained Routing table.
• It transmits Packets.
• Router forward the data packet from one host to another host by using IP address.
• It has different components for using proper function of the device.

Router Ports and their function:

Types of Router Ports and their function.
Image Credit – Google

1. Power Port: –

It is provided Electricity.

2. Console Port: –

It provides to use to configure the router. It is known as Local Administrative Port.

3. Ethernet Port: –

It is used to connect different network segment or LAN.

It is 4 types –
• 10 Mbps (Ethernet Port).
• 100 Mbps (Fast Ethernet Port).
• 1 Gbps (Gigabit Ethernet Port).
• 10 Gbps (10 Gigabit Ethernet Port).

4. Serial Port: –

It is used to connect another Router.
It is 2 type –
• Serial Interface: – It has 60 pins to connect in fixed Router. Its speed is low.
• Smart Serial Interface: – It has 26 pins to connect in modular Router. Its speed is Higher.

5. Auxiliary Port: –

It is used to connect to analog Modem and it also can be used remotely configure the Router. It is also known as Remote Administrative Port.

6. USB: –

It is used to connect any USB devices.

7. BRI Port: –

It is used to connect ISDN devices.

Details of Router Ports and their function.

Types of Router Memory:

There are 4 types of memory on a Cisco router –

1. ROM: –

• It is available on a Routers processor board.
• The bootstrap software is stored in the ROM and it is the initial software that runs on a Cisco Router.

2. Flash: –

• Flash memory available on a Router processor board.
• It is stored one or more Cisco IOS software images.
• It is also stored a copy of configuration files or system information.

3. RAM: –

• It is used to store routing table, ARP Cache and buffer.
• It is very fast memory which loses its information when the system is restarted.

4. NVRAM: –

• It is an extremely fast memory.
• It is used to store the startup configuration.

Routers Manufacturing Company –

• Cisco
• Linksys
• Juniper
• Scyclodosh
• D-Link
• Threecon
• Nortail

Router Working Modes:

1. User Mode: –

This mode is used to Login to be router.
Prompt: – Router>

2. Privilege Mode: –

This mode is used to see all router configuration.
Prompt: – Router#

3. Global Configuration Mode: –

This mode is used to configure the Router.
Prompt: – Router (Config)#

20 Importance Router Commands

1. To go from user mode to Privilege Mode: –

Router> Enable
Router #

2. To go from user mode to Privilege Mode: –

To go Privilege mode to Global Configuration mode: –
Router# Configure Terminal
Router (Config)#

3. To go Global Config mode to Privilege mode: –

Router (Config) #End or Exit or Ctrl + Z or Ctrl + C

4. To go Privilege mode to user mode: –

Router# Disable

5. To set Router Hostname: –

Router (Config)# Hostname R1

6. TO set Log on Banner: –

R1 (Config)# Banner Motd # Network Help#
R1 (Config) #End
Press Enter
Network Help

7. To Set Privilege Mode Password: –

R1 (Config)# Enable Password Cisco

To check the Password: –
R1 (Config)# End
R1 (Config) Disable
R1> Enable

8. To Encrypt Clear Text Password manually: –

R1 (Config)# Service Password-encryption

9. To Enable Encrypted Password: –

R1 (Config)# Enable Secret “CCNA”

10. To see the running Configuration: –

R1# Show Running-config

11. To See the Saved configuration in NVRAM: –

R1# Show Startup-config

12. To save configuration: –

R1# write memory /copy running config startup config
destination file name (startup config)? Press enter
R1# copy run start
Destination file name (startup-config)? Press enter
R1# write

13. To set Clock: –

R1# clock set 9:15:30 1 June 2021

14. To see Clock: –

R1# Show Clock

15. To change time: –

R1 (Config)# Clock Time Zone India 5:30

16. To see the available Interface in the Router: –

R1# Show IP Interface Brief

17. To set IP address in the Fast Ethernet Interface

R1 (Config)# Interface Fast Ethernet 0/0
R1 (Config-if)# No Shutdown
Ri (Config-if)# IP add
R1 (Config-if)# Exit

18. To check IP address: –

R1# Show Interface Brief

19. To Flash IP address from any Interface/ Delete IP: –

R1 (Config)# Interface Fast Ethernet 0/0
R1 (Config-if)# No IP Address

20. To Set IP address in the Client: –

Click on the machine => Desktop => IP configuration => Static => give IP address.

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